I ♥️ teaching this variation to clients.
I ♥️ giving this variation as homework to a client.
Video 1: Cross leg, Standing Push Down, Lower and Lift Heels
Video 2: Cross leg, Standing Push Down
It not only feels good in my body, but it has a little bit of tricky work intertwined to make me stronger and more balanced.
When I feel balanced and strong - I feel EMPOWERED!
This exercise will:
🔑 Challenge your BALANCE & help you gain balance!
🔑 Help lengthen your spine (so you feel taller)
🔑 Help stretch your hamstrings and calf muscles (backs of the legs)
🔑 Challenge your proprioception (awareness of the position and movement of your body)
From a Pilates practice standpoint:
🔑 It helps you figure out how to balance your weight between your arms and legs to lift and lower the heels (which comes up in a lot of other exercises throughout the method).
Call this variation what you will. I’m not naming it!!!
Equipment: Pilates Chair (Balanced Body Centerline)
Photo: Me teaching hubby this exact variation 1 year ago