Are there any pre-requisites?
You do not need any training experience to go through the Mat program.
It is always helpful to have previous Mat practice experience before starting.
You have to go through the Mat program with Anatomy to do the Reformer program.
You have to go through Mat + Reformer before you can continue to the Comprehensive (Cadillac/Chair/Small Apparatus).

Do you offer a bridging program?
I offer inclusive and non-competitive options for anyone who needs to pick up where they left off, for anyone who didn't feel like they fit into their previous training, or for anyone who would like an inclusive way to learn and/or teach.
CURRENT teachers can also use my trainings to build knowledge on how to train all body shapes & sizes in an inclusive way.

What is included in the Training?
- Workshops
- Color Training Manuals with QR Codes to videos
**The manuals and libraries are ONE OF A KIND! You'll have the opportunity to see different body types in pictures and moving in videos.
- Access to organized content in Teachable
- Access to Slack App Channels to ask questions, get training tips outside workshops, and be a community with other trainees.
- Self-guided hours can be hard to figure out, so we have you covered with lists of virtual observations, playlists with videos to get your practice hours in, and more!! We'll help you organize your hours, if you need it!

Is there a Virtual Option?
Yes. I have both virtual (Zoom) and in person options. Hybrid is also an option.
I'll be recording the sessions, as well.
Pricing will be the same whether you are virtual, in person, or hybrid.

What if I miss a Workshop?
The workshops really are essential because of the experience I am providing. However, if you miss a Workshop I will be recording them and you'll need to commit to watching the Workshop within 3 weeks of gaining access and following up with me.
If there happens to be a technical malfunction, you may need to make it up the following year or you'll be provided a past workshop with the same content.

How long is the program supposed to take?
As long as you need it to.
You'll have access to your workshops for a year after you take it, but you can finish any time.
To finish, you'll have to complete your hours and your testing.
With the weekly workshop format, you'll have time to get self-guided hours in during the week and on the weekends - if you choose to!

Do you have a payment plan?
We do not have a payment plan, in general. However, if you are going to do the Comprehensive Program - you can pay 1 month ahead of the next workshop to reserve your spot.

What if I don't feel ready to teach?
Some people will go through all the trainings and never teach.
I've seen this in other programs, such as Yoga TT, as well.
**It is up to you on what you want to do with your DEEP DIVE into Pilates.
You start practice teaching during the Fundamentals Workshop - this is before you even learn the Mat! I feel that diving in right from the beginning and trying out your words is essential for feeling comfortable in front of clients.
Let's Work Together
Want a DEEPER DIVE??? Teacher Training is an excellent way to learn a ton, even if you never want to teach another human how to do Pilates.